Wednesday, April 3, 2013

(Searcher) Genes and Diseases


    Today, we see scientists trying to better understand how geographic ancestry, families defined by their ancestors, and how individuals are defined by their own specific genetic can inform clinicians of possible variations in disease risks. In addition, the human genome project which aided the search for DNA variations in individuals and the continent of their ancestral origin, has provided new ways to look at genes and health. For example, African descended individuals are more likely to carry alleles promoting sickle cell anemia, and European descended populations are predisposed to cystic fibrosis.

   Based on known genes and shared ancestry, researchers are able to determine group related and individual genetic risks for chronic degenerative conditions. There are new clinical methods for genetic profiling; screening, counseling, and the development of pharmaceutical formulas for treatments of specific genes that cause diseases in individuals.

    I feel that race, genes, and your ancestral origin is not important in researching for new drugs and treatments of diseases. In sum, the primary focus in disease risks should aid primarily in finding cures for diseases regardless of your race, ethnicity, or origin. Let's stop fooling around and wasting idol time with frivolous things, and staying focused on saving lives.

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